Home » TaxBuzz » Taxbuzz | The Taxation and other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of certain provisions) Bill, 2020 passed by the Parliament

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We are pleased to share with you the copy of our latest edition of “TaxBuzz”.

We are pleased to share with you a copy of our in-house publication – “TaxBuzz…”, wherein we have analysed the amendments proposed by the recently passed Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of certain provisions) Bill, 2020. The Bill primarily (i) regularizes the relaxations in extension of due dates proposed by the ordinance, (ii) proposes certain other amendments to various provisions and (iii) also incorporates faceless assessment scheme in the Act

Click at Download Newsletter to read the TaxBuzz.

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Mr. Gaurav Jain : [email protected]
Ms. Manisha Sharma: [email protected]